PSX Shader for BGE & UPBGE

This is a shader I wrote that emulates the PSX (Playstation One) looks. It emulates the wobbly vertices, the affine transformed UVs (bent UVs), per-vertex lighting (Point and Sun only), and ambient light.
It supports only 2 texture slots (1 = Color texture, 2 = Reflection texture)


This script will apply the shader to every single object in your scene that has a mesh!

In order to use it, in your Camera, just add an Always sensor and a Python controller with the script’s main module in it:

Here is the script:
And the demo .blend used in the GIF: psx.blend

That’s it, until next time!


  1. como logras ese reflejo?

  2. Can you show me how to use this? I think its broken and would like to know how to fix it so it will work with my new project Shredder7931#8008 is my discord


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